Basic Needs And Not Unlimited Greed Should Be The Mantra Of These Hard Economic Times By Zile SinghNeed is something required for a safe, stable, and healthy life. Food, clothes, and shelter are the basic needs of all human beings. Without these, human survival is painful. Therefore, b...
BULLEH SHAH: Explore Your Inner-Self For A Better You To Create A Better World By Promod PuriSufi poet and philosopher Bulleh Shah (1680-1757) says: “Parh parh alim fazil hoya, kadey apnay aap nun parhya he nai.”Translation and meaning: A person becomes knowledgeable or a sc...
FIFA 2022: Liberte, Egalite, Africanite: Desperate France Plays The Race Card and Still Loses By Jugraj SinghThere is a saying about the exploitation of black slaves in the US, "the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice." A similar saying can be made regarding FIFA 2022, "the blacker the te...
MY 50 YEARS IN CANADA: It’s Been A Beautiful And Enriching Journey In “Zindagi Ek Safar Hai Suhana” By Promod PuriFifty years ago, after saying goodbye to India, I knocked on the door of Canada.The point of entry was Winnipeg in October 1972.My route to settle in Canada was through a visitor's visa....
Why Are Immigration And Refugee Applicants Being Jailed In Canada? By Harinder MahilThousands of people who show up at Canadian borders each year and apply for refugee status are often sent to detention centres and jails.Why does the Canadian government treat these p...
Avtar S Sangha’s Storm In A Teacup And Other Stories Is Smorgasbord Of Literary Masala By Ravinder Singh SodhiSome Punjabi literary artists of the last generation had earned a good name in the field of writing in English. Dr. Mohan Singh Diwana, Principal Teja Singh, Prof. Gurbachan Sin...
2022 Brought Dramatic Political Change For Punjab And New Premier For BC By Balwant SangheraWell, 2022 is finally over. Now we can welcome 2023 with a lot of expectations. A closer look at 2022 indicates that it may be one of the most unusual ones in a long time. Let us st...
HAPPY NEW YEAR: Clock Striking Midnight On December 31 Changes Nothing Or Everything? By Promod PuriThe moment clock's second hits midnight and the year 2022 departs, we step into welcoming 2023.Two images flash; one switches off, and the other switches on. That reflects two storylines...
LIVE IT WELL: Life Is As Beautiful As You Want It To Be As Long As You Are Ready To Face The Harsh Realities New Year – New LifeLife is the greatest gift one can aspire to and enjoy. The dictionary meaning of life is the condition that distinguishes active human beings, animals, and plants from inorganic m...
WIN: Writers International Network Of Canada Members Gather In Vancouver Zile Singh---------------- “ Where the Sun reaches not; The writers penetrate”The Writers International Network(WIN), Canada was founded in 2010 by Ashok Bhargava, an Indo-Canadian based in Vanc...