A New World Order Emerges In Trump Era From Recent Group Of 20 Meetings In Germany POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJULY 13, 2017A new world order emerged at the Group of 20 (G20) world leaders meeting in Hamburg, last week. G20 represents two-thirds of the world’s population and all indus...
Interest Rate Rise: Are You Prepared As Mortgage Rates Inch Up POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJULY 12, 2017After almost a decade of warning and keeping the rates practically unchanged for the last 7 years, the Bank of Canada has raised its benchmark interest rate from 0...
Tainted Mahatama Gandhi Remains Divisive And Controversial Even In Death POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJULY 12, 2017First there are those who elevate him to status of almost a saint and a major force in achieving India’s freedom from British colonial rule. These devotees will ...
OPINION: Premier-designate John Horgan Says Help Is On The Way For British Columbians We are going to hit the ground running, to address the things that matter to people. First and foremost, we’re going to act to make life more affordable for British Columbians. That means getting ri...
It’s Time Canada Appointed An Indigenous Governor General EDS. NOTE A DEC.12, 2013 FILE PHOTO Governor General David Johnston oversees a ceremony giving royal assent to government legislation in the Senate on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on Thursday, December 1...
Palki Restaurant In North Vancouver Continues To Reach New Heights POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJUNE 30, 2017Today, a Restaurant Bhupinder Mrokeestablished in the year 2000, is among the top three Restaurants in North Vancouver. His is the only Indian Cuisine Restaurant a...
Dharma, Artha Karma And Moksha: The Doctrine Of Bliss! POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJUNE 16, 2017By Promod PuriAn outstanding feature of Hinduism is the doctrine of “purusarthas”, advocating four complementary engagements in an individual’s life. These a...
Canada May Be Heaven On Earth But Punjabis Looking For Heaven In All The Wrong Places POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJUNE 13, 2017Canada is probably the most popular destination for the Punjabis. Out of Canada, the BC (British Columbia) remains the top choice for many Punjabis. A recent migra...
Who Came First? Is It Man Who Created God Or Is It Really God Who Created Man? POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJUNE 8, 2017The creation of God by man could be part of evolution of human culture from its very beginning when life was crude, brutal and disorderly. As civilization started t...
Do We Need To “create” A New Religion After The Failure Of “popular Religion” POSTED BY:DESIBUZZCANADAJUNE 6, 2017We need to "create" a religion that makes us feel, understand and know our unity with God. After all, the very word "re-ligion" means to re-unite. We need to re-uni...